We had taken Newbury down to Farnsworth and then started making our way down Springfield Street. We turned onto Atwater Road, checking out Weaver on our way down. We did a quick up and back on Bedford before doing Green Lane and Atwater Place. It was a little noisy down on that end -- Atwater Place is right next to I-91. We turned onto Atwater Terrace, scoping out Candice Circle, as we made our way back to Springfield Street. We took that down to where it meets Chestnut, then turned around to start making our way back up the hill.
On Springfield Street, across from Baystate Medical Center, is Naomi's Inn.
Both Yahoo reviewers gave the place five stars. It's touted as a place to get away and relax, even if you live in the same city. With a ranking like that, it could be a fun place to go next Valentine's Day.
We meandered around Derby Dingle (love it!) and then around half of Shefford before checking out Crestwood. We took Armory back up to Springfield Street, at the corners of which sits the Grace Church of Christ.
This is the stop sign next to the church:
I think it spreads a good message. Especially considering it's kitty-corner from St. Matthew's Cemetery.
On our way back, we swung through Van Horn and the small dog had his first encounter with a turtle. I thought it was hilarious.
203 down, 21 to go
Yes, the small dog's reaction to the turtle is very entertaining.